• Newsletter Dec2019 En

Welcome to EAPD - The Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development

The Egyptian Agency of partnership for development is established on the first of July after merging “The Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa and “The Egyptian Fund for Technical cooperation with the countries of Commonwealth and Islamic countries and the Newly Independent states” in a new entity.


Capacity Building

This is the core of our activities; and we have been keen to diversify the fields of the training courses we design and implement so that they not only include conventional areas.


Dispatching Of Experts

Experts not only transfer knowledge but also build bridges between communities. The EAPD has dispatched more than 62 Egyptian experts in different domains.


Humanitarian Assistance

EAPD seeks to rapidly respond to the emergency needs of countries facing critical situations through the provision of medical, logistical, food and financial aid.


EAPD Initiatives

Working with national and international partners to help achieve food security and sustainable agriculture in Africa.


Latest News

5 What We Do?

EAPD foucses its efforts on transferring knowledge and experience in the fields that have comparative advantages , namely in Diplomacy , Judiciary , Energy , Agriculture , Education , Water irrigation , Communication and Security


EAPD Partners

  • african-bank
  • fao
  • islamic-bank
  • jica